Discover faith experiences around the world
Let me take you on a journey of adventure, some hardship, many discoveries and great encounters.

Look and see

God has not abandoned us and is still at work in the world! If you pay attention to the little things of daily life, you can see him at work too! Don’t take it from me – It is Jesus who says: ‘My Father is still working, and I too am working’ (Jn 5:17).

I have seen how God is still at work anywhere anytime. And God continues to speak too, in particular through his Word, the Bible. The blogs on this page intend to help you see that the hopeful message of Jesus Christ is good news for you too.

Father Michel Remery

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Experiences of a modern missionary

Together with Fr Michel Remery, you will travel the world and visit people in their countries and homes, where we listen to their stories. They are passionate as they talk about their sorrows and their hopes, their questions and experiences, their seeking and their faith. Join this uplifting journey, sincere and profound.

Discover more stories here