
A priest’s travel diary describes how God works in the most unexpected places

Imagine a trip with a travelling priest to over 30 countries in Europe, America, Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Now you too can be an observer of these adventures by reading a personal travel diary with accounts of the cultural and religious experiences that Father Michel Remery has seen over the last few years. The book ‘God is still at work – How I see God at work in the most unexpected places‘ is now available online in a fresh edition with updates on recent events and new experiences.

Father Michel presents his unique perspective, offering readers a profound insight into the way he perceives God’s work. He shares, “God is still at work, maybe not so much in world-shocking miracles, but in the quiet events of daily life, unseen if you do not pay attention; but if you do, it changes the outlook on your whole life, wherever you are!“.

The author reminds us all that we can find good news even in challenging times. The publication reports stories of encounters with people in their countries and homes. They speak passionately about their sorrows and hopes, their doubts and experiences, their searches and faith.

The book features captivating stories that explore various cultures and experiences, including encounters in the Surinamese jungle, politics and religion in Bosnia, Christian joy and suffering in Turkey, Catholics in communist Vietnam, martyrs in Ukraine, tradition in Japan, celebration in Brazil, World Youth Day in Lisbon, and many more.

Father Rob Galea, a singer-songwriter from Australia, said that “in a world where God sometimes seems to be silent, Father Michel Remery reminds us that God is still living, moving, and working in our hearts and lives. I encourage you to read this with an open and thirsty heart.

Father Michel Remery is a Catholic priest and author, known for founding initiatives like Tweeting with GOD and Online with Saints. With a background in architecture, philosophy, and theology, he brings a unique perspective to his book. He has dedicated his ministry to projects for young people, leaders, and various groups within the Catholic Church. Together with the enthusiastic DeoQuest team, he continues to develop and expand international initiatives.

The second edition of ‘God is still at workis available in both printed and digital formats (e-pub) on Amazon, making it accessible to readers worldwide.

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