Tweeting with GOD

Project Info

Project Description

Share your QUESTIONS, discover the LOGIC OF FAITH, and see how everything is connected!

What if communicating with God were as simple as posting or liking on social media? Whether your favourite tool is Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, the multimedia initiative Tweeting with GOD helps you to see how simple it is to relate to God, even when you are offline!

Through a close integration between social media, modern technology and printed books, Tweeting with GOD (#TwGOD) wants to help you discover answers to your questions about the faith. The project was brought to life by young people with many questions, who keep searching for the meaning of their relationship with Jesus in their lives. Alone or in a group, you can find answers to your questions through Tweeting with GOD.

This book is available in 30+ language editions. Order your copy now: